Photo studio

How to build your photo studio on a budget

To have your private photo studio is every photographer’s dream. 

So, how to build a photo studio on a budget? First of all, you have to be smart about spending and be aware of your goals. Otherwise, creating a photo studio can mean a lot of money spent on useless or rarely used things.

At first glance, the photo studio market seems to be already crowded, and prices are pretty high. But you need to know that such a business does not require too much budget and is very profitable. Lately, photo studios have become more and more popular. 

Today, not only celebrities opt for high-quality professional portrait photography, but also regular people who want specific photos on social media. As a result, photography enthusiasts are moving more and more towards building a photo studio where professionalism speaks for itself. 

Although, along the way, such a photo studio can gather hundreds of elements (both in technology and accessories, sets, and more), the beginning does not have to involve a huge budget.

It is said that the first steps in studio photography start from your own home. A home photo studio is a good choice because it saves a significant budget. In this case, the investment is much smaller than renting a ready-equipped studio or allocating a budget for renting a space that you can turn into a photo studio. 

If you opt for a home photo studio, you will still need equipment. But first, to save money, focus on the basics.

Basics for a photo studio

photo studio

Whether you are a professional in portrait photography or a designer looking to create a photoshoot for product photography, having your photo studio allows you to work and, most importantly, to learn and experiment. Let’s look at some of the basics needed to set up a photo studio.


The first object you will invest in is a high-quality camera. Yes, you will consider both the type of photography you want and the quality offered in this case.

Space for your photo studio

Whether you opt for a home photo studio or you decide to rent space, a room is essential. You will need strict control of the light conditions at any day or night. Another thing to consider is the temperature. Especially if you plan to work permanently and store equipment in the studio. Very high temperatures are not suitable for photo equipment.

Photo background

Every good studio has several backgrounds used for taking pictures. When the decor in the room fails to give precisely the right ambiance, you can successfully use the foldable backgrounds with different themes. It is wise to give up expensive „professional” backgrounds that you may have seen in stores in favor of something more straightforward. You need something with dense, uniform color and a discreet texture.

Photo studio


You can buy a simple and inexpensive studio lighting kit for starters. But for a good result, be prepared to spend a decent amount in the future. If you are the type who runs away from too many buttons with a too complicated technique and prefers as simple as possible, then working with continuous light, i.e., a simple but efficient lighting source, is suitable for you. You can also opt for professional flashes that offer concentrated or diffused light, ideal for any type of photography. To save the budget, it is recommended to go for light kits that provide the necessary accessories in both cases. Prices are lower than when you buy them separately.


The photo accessories are diverse, and you will buy them according to your needs. First of all, some umbrellas or a softbox are needed for light effects. Then you can opt for specific costumes or decor items – these are thematic accessories (may be required or not). Finally, don’t forget the studio’s particular and often necessary equipment – a laptop (for image editing, portrait retouching), tripods, cables, flashes, and maybe a ladder. Furniture can also be important – chairs, a large mirror, storage furniture, etc.

Photo studio

In conclusion

You can become a studio photographer with the right equipment without great investments and average technical knowledge even from home. Another way to save money, for starters, is to rent the necessary equipment. The profit is not a major one, but it can successfully represent an additional income. And remember, just by experimenting, you will be able to learn and progress. 

Instead, would you outsource your photoshoot and image editing for product photography to an already established photo studio?

Learn more about our services and set up a meeting with our team today.

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